These are my books so far. Mostly rated 4 or 5 star on Amazon

The Eastern Door

"I bought The Eastern Door, The Lily and the Rose and Liberty's Children and after reading them I have an entirely different view of the American Revolution. I had only read and heard the stories from the American view point. These books give a day to day view of life in the colonies from the loyalist view point. I was deeply impacted with the stories of the settlers and their dealings with the natives, another story that is not explained in American history. When you read these books it reveals a more complete explanation of the story and the human face of the struggles. It is often said history is written my the winners, well here is the story from the other side. It is a real eye opener and will touch your heart. Land owners and people in free enterprise on the frontier on both sides had to deal with decisions made at a distance from the action. The real men were men of action the pledged their lives and family fortune at the front lines of settlements while those in government failed to keep treaties, surveys and promises. The war could have gone either way if every man was as principled in personal and public dealings. Read these books and challenge your established views on history. You will be a better person after reading these books."(USA)

The Lily and the Rose

*Honey independently rated Best Seller

"Fascinating story. I am reading it in conjunction with The Founders of North America and their heritage by Sabre Holbrook (United Kingdom)"

Freedom's Children (formerly Liberty's Children)

*Honey independently rated Best Seller

"Very informative as well as enjoyable. I will be impatiently awaiting the sequel to Freedom's children. I have not read any other book from the perspective of the northern Americans as opposed to the New Englanders in the run up to the war of independence. Whilst being aware of the gross incompetence on behalf of the British government and officially 'King George' and all the other events taking place in Europe at this time it is hardly surprising that the struggle for independence took place. The other great spin off from this war for independence was the example to the French which encouraged the event of the French Revolution."

The King's Salt

* Honey independently rated Best Seller

Its 1778, and the American Revolutionary War is three years old. In this fourth book of the award-winning Smithyman Saga, Sir Thomas Smithyman and his friends still consider themselves honor-bound to remain loyal. They continue their bitter civil war against former friends, neighbours and family for four more years, trying to regain their homes and land in what has become New York State. But Thomas and friends, his wife Nancy and their children, along with his stepmother, the fierce Mohawk Princess Laura Silverbirch and her war chief brother, Matthew, lose everything to the triumphant Patriots. Now refugees, they must fight betrayal by a thankless government, despair, hunger and isolation to reconstruct their lives and create a new place for themselves and their children in the northern wilderness.

Ten Generations: A Family History

*Honey independently rated best seller. Amazon: 5 Star

TEN GENERATIONS is a family saga that follows the Watt family, generation by generation, from Edinburgh in the late 1500s to colonial New York, through the American Revolution, back to the Channel Islands, and then to Canada, where the family settles in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.

The family rises to prominence in Edinburgh, then emigrates to colonial New York in the early 1700s. There, they are at the pinnacle of society, but are torn apart by Revolution and war. Forced into exile in Britain, the descendants of one branch return to the continent and settle near Montreal, where they once again become important, this time in the cultural and political life of Quebec and Canada in the 1800s and 1900s. The author uses primary source materials such as personal letters, anecdotes, and illustrations from family collections and fits these expertly into the historical context of the times to provide a dramatic, readable and entertaining account of the family's history -- of fortunes made and lost, of war and revolution, of personal tragedy and triumph. Ten Generations provides an intriguing personal window into the real history of the times and into the lives of this interesting family.

Setting the Mark 1896-2021 A History of Kingston Yacht Club 

Available from Amazon.


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